San Jacinto College Student at Computer

Online Course Types

Whether you’re a student with family obligations or simply looking for a more flexible way to learn, San Jac has got you covered! Our College offers a variety of flexible online course types to meet your unique needs.


Start Your Online Academic Journey

To sign up for online courses, you first need to enroll as a student. From there, you can browse available courses, select the ones you’re interested in, and register for them online.

3 Ways to Learn Online

Online courses are delivered through the Blackboard learning management system to your computer or connected device.
  1. Online Anytime

    Take your classes online, at any time! Our most flexible option allows you to work on coursework whenever your schedule allows, with no need to come to campus.

  2. Online on A Schedule

    If you thrive with structure, this option is for you! All coursework is completed online, but the lectures and online instruction happen at specific times on certain days, just like a typical face-to-face course.

  3. Online Hybrid

    Content is delivered through a combination of web-based and classroom activities. These courses combine work in the Blackboard learning management system with classroom time. On-campus classroom time is required. 

Have Questions?

If you have any questions about online courses at San Jac, please contact us.

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